The injection itself didn't hurt, but once the stuff was in there was this ache from the injection site. I was feverish enough that the pain didn't register correctly, though, so I'm only left with a vague recollection of discomfort.
Once home I'd pretty much forgotten about it, until I decided to take a shower last night. The bandage the nurse had put on was still there and its presence confounded me for a few moments until I remembered the shot.
I took a shower with the heat up just as high as I could stand it, then had a soak afterwards. That made me feel enormously better.
Even so, I'm still sick. Fever dreams--all my dreams contain an endless parade of problem customers in a store where nothing makes sense, and no matter where the dream begins I end up standing at that cash register trying to figure out what the hell is wrong with it this time.
* * *
I have an idea for a Christmas story. The problem is, with my fevered brain, I'm not really capable of writing it down right now.
Maybe later.
* * *
Incidentally, I bought gas at $2.20 a gallon on my way back from picking up cinnabons. That's half the price it was six months ago, can you believe that?
* * *
They're predicting snow. I'll believe it when I see it.