atomic_fungus (atomic_fungus) wrote,

#4509: Merry Christmas

So that story idea is still rattling around in my brain. I've got most of it, and will post it eventually.

I feel a ton better than I did Tuesday, but Tuesday night my wife made me call work and tell them I wouldn't be in on Friday because of my illness, and as usual she was right.

Dinner tonight was simple: ham, mashed potatoes, green beans, crescent rolls. It was delicious and required no advanced preparation techniques, and there's nothing at all wrong with a ham for Christmas dinner.

Because both of us are sick, Christmas was fairly low key this year. We don't really mind, though we were disappointed that we couldn't go visit her mother and go to the Christmas Eve church service--we're too sick and too contagious to be around other people, though, and it's just better this way.

One week from yesterday is our second wedding anniversary. I've got to get cracking....

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