There's reason to believe that it's not a real threat, but if it is real--well, I don't expect that the islamic thugs are going to dot the I's and cross the T's to get their firearms. Meanwhile, in places like Illinois the law-abiding--who are not planning robbery, murder, or other mayhem--have to get government's permission to exercise their Second Amendment rights.
* * *
Last night was a Xanax night, for the first time in quite a while. I was just too wound up--still--from the interview; it's a great opportunity and I'm really anxious about it. At bedtime I took half a tablet of Vitamin X, and still had trouble getting to sleep. Slept soundly once I was, though, and almost slept through the alarm when Mrs. Fungus had to get up; and after she left I was not awake for long.
Woke up at 10:30, three hours later, with a nascent headache. I've got a lot to do today and don't have time to mess around, but the Xanax hangover has me feeling detached from reality. That dopey feeling is what I hate the most about taking that stuff, because I know I'm not really capable of thinking clearly.
Today's nice and sunny, so cutting the grass should be on the agenda...except I ran out of gas last time, and payday's not until Friday. *sigh* The mower won't run on clean thoughts and righteous living, so that will have to wait. Argh etc.
Well, it's not like I'm lacking things which need personal attention, anyway.