Rare, and very nice.
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Apparently the railroad crossings in the Fungal Vale have been converted to silent ones. When I went to the village hall to get city stickers for the vehicles, the crossing there had the line of stakes and everything; and thinking about it afterwards I realized that it had been a while since I'd heard a train horn.
I'd known that this was being planned, but not when it was going to happen. It'll make things a bit quieter here in town, obviously, which can't hurt, and probably improve property values near the tracks.
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Because the low last night was 55, and I had windows open, and closed them about 5 AM today when I got up to hit the can, I expect it'll be a few more hours at least before I need to decide whether the AC should go on. Current temp is reported as 88, and the dewpoint is a sticky 73, so the answer will probably be "yes".
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In the "cheesy movie" department, the other day at work I saw a movie called Flight World War II. It's about a modern day airliner (a 757, I think) flying through a time warp and ending up in wartime Europe. When I've got $10 to spare I'm going to buy that sucker. Heh.