atomic_fungus (atomic_fungus) wrote,

#5013: The moratorium on politics is in effect.

Went to bed early last night with Mrs. Fungus because we were both totally out of energy. Our Wednesday off was full of errands and hurrying around, and last-minute things; by the time 10 PM rolled around we were both ready for a long winter's nap.

Naturally I woke up around 3-ish, wide awake. *sigh* But I don't have to get up until 11, so I can be up a little while longer.

My wife baked the chocolate chip cookies while I wrapped Christmas presents, but I mixed the dough. Jewel was out of Nestle milk chocolate chips so I used Ghirardelli, and the result is excellent.

Meanwhile, I've had some thoughts about a Christmas story. It's about a boy--perhaps 10--who is beginning to figure out that Santa Claus is his parents. His older brother is trying to convince him that Santa is real, and--well, maybe I should just start writing the tale and see where it leads us. Hm?

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