atomic_fungus (atomic_fungus) wrote,

#5639: Well, that certainly would make sense.

So, looking at a YouTube video about Jeep oil pressure gauge--because of the issue I've had with mine where oil pressure gauge is pegged at max pressure--and have learned that if the oil pressure sender wire gets shorted high, you'll read maximum oil pressure at the gauge. It's either the sender or the wiring.

And it's an intermittent problem, so, yeah. *sigh*

* * *

I did have a couple minutes today to disassemble the spare flywheel. The 6mm hex-end socket did the trick and now I should be able to grind off the threads, get the bolt out, and reassemble the thing.


* * *

But! It's supposed to have a high temp of 70 on Monday, so that ought to be a good day for me to attend to the outdoor things that I want to do. Motorcycle first!

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