atomic_fungus (atomic_fungus) wrote,

#5932: Apparently no one told them NASA said the oceans aren't rising.

Arse Technica, the Global Warming Resource headline: "New York City's future storm risk dominated by sea level rise">.

Sea levels are falling, according to NASA.

So I'd say that New York can rest easy--won't be water, but fire next time. Or something?

* * *

People are going to stand around and scream because Trump is still President. Like a toddler in the candy aisle, yeah. How pathetic.

* * *

This is going to be fan-fucking-tastic. Illinois is looking at a $0.30 per gallon gas tax hike.

Well--in fact they're talking about anything from $0.05 to $0.30 a gallon.

If they added thirty friggin' cents to the cost of a gallon of gas that would be the end of businesses doing business in Illinois. I'm betting it'll be $0.10 to $0.15 per gallon, though, which will make it cost-effective for me to start buying all my gas in Indiana.

Also, Chicago wants to raise property taxes again, but that's just City of Chicago and not the whole state. And Chicago continues to ride down the Detroit track. Whee!

* * *

The computer room just feels so nice. It's like a brand new room.

I drastically simplified my computer cabling. I'll have to figure out how I'm hooking up the printer, and where, but I don't have to do that right now.


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