atomic_fungus (atomic_fungus) wrote,

#6587: I might believe them if they hadn't said that the LAST time.

Autoplay warning THE SCIENCE IS SETTLED!!!!!111one-one Again. Eggs are bad for you again. They were okay, then they were bad, then they weren't, but now it is a PROVEN SCIENTIFIC FACT that eggs are bad for you!!! This time, we really, really mean it!!!

...until the next time they change their minds. In the meantime, I will continue to eat eggs cooked in bacon grease.

* * *

Kickstarter is thrilled to be unionizing but of course there are other crowdfunding sites out there which will not unionize, and they will eat Kickstarter for breakfast.

Now, eating a dot-com more than one day per week, that will raise your LDL....

* * *

Abolish the FCC. I think we'd all have better Internet service if we did.

* * *

And now work is finally over. What a pain in the ass today was.

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