atomic_fungus (atomic_fungus) wrote,

#6717: Another cloudy day

Might rain later. Warmer, at least; weather site claims it hit 84°, which is about as warm as it's been all year.

Since I cut the grass on Wednesday I don't believe I'll cut it today. I am going to go run a few errands in a bit.

...wanted to sleep in today. Mrs. Fungus took Wednesday off--bit more on that in a moment--but because of that she's at work today, meaning I got woke up when she did. Kissed her and wished her a good and safe day, then laid down.

"I can't find my work phone!"

I had put it on the cabinet in the hallway, per her instructions, last night when I tucked her in. I reminded her of this.

"It's not there now!"

Got up, looked around: "It can't have fallen behind it," I said, noting that the space was too small.

Then: "Ah--I'm holding it."

Me: [stink eye]

That wrecked my pre-somnolent state so I got up, had a PBJ, and surfed the net a bit before laying back down. Woke up thinking it was super-late, but it was barely past one, so I laid my head back down...but that was pretty much it: I was awake for good.

A day when I can sleep in, and I got up at the usual time. *sigh*

* * *

California is a mess. I don't want to live there; I have never wanted to live there. I probably could have gotten a fantastic Silicon Valley job fixing the machines that make integrated circuits--there was a company that was hiring right out of my senior class at DeVry--but I would have had to move to California to take it. That was 1996 and CA was already at the top of the "fuck, no" list of places I wanted to live because even 23 years ago it was already a socialist shithole with egregiously high taxes and a stratospheric cost of living.

I made a lot of dumb decisions in my twenties, but that one sure as hell wasn't one of them.

* * *

Stories that make me say, "Oh, dick!" out loud. The long and the short of it is that when the State's Attorney decided to recuse herself from the case, she A) didn't really recuse herself according to how the law says it should be done; and B) the person appointed to handle the case in her stead was not appointed according to the law, either.

Meaning C) even if we are generous and accept her extra-legal sort-of-recusal from the case she then had no legal authority to appoint anyone to handle it in her stead. The procedure for appointing a person to handle the case is spelled out in the black-letter law and does not involve the state's attorney who recused himself. Further there do not appear to be any "penumbras" or "emanations" surrounding this law.

...with the result that the assistant who handled the case had no authority to make decisions about it. He couldn't just "drop" the case; and further, from a legal standpoint there was no prosecuting attorney handing the case.

Let's face it. This entire thing has been bungled, up one side and down the other. I mean, even if I give these cretins the benefit of the doubt and assume that they thought the case could be settled this way, they still fucked up so badly that any attempt at citing "double jeopardy" will be laughed out of court because he was never tried for the crime.

But in fact they had a case where they didn't want to prosecute the guy, because he was black and (kind of) famous and pulled a ludicrously inept stunt, and they knew he would have been found "guilty" by any reasonable jury applying any reasonable standard. So they pulled some hare-brained scheme out of their ass, and didn't bother to check the law to make sure they could do it that way--and didn't even bother to try doing it according to the law, figuring, "Hey, our side is in charge, so of course we can do it! *wink wink*" And probably thinking that if there was any criticism of it, they'd just yell "Raciss!" and put a stop to it.

...not thinking about the fact that the federal government that their side has spent the last eighty years empowering just might have something to say about it. And the federal government is not deterred by charges of racism.

I suppose I should be glad to see that the Machine is losing its grip. As much as I hate it, I should be thankful for the signs of senility that it's been giving off, the clues that foretell how it will come apart. But the real problem is that the Machine is the only thing keeping the south side of the city in check, and if it loses its grip who knows what that mob will do? Right now, thanks to the network of "community organizers", stuff only happens when the Machine wants it to; but without the Machine dispensing payola and clout--without its gnarled, withered hand on the tiller--what happens?

So when I see that the Machine has become so rickety that when they have a charge against someone famous and connected they can't even make it go away competently--well, I can only hope for the best, I suppose.

* * *

Another "Oh, Dick!" moment in Oregon. So the state legislature wants to pass some draconian eco-bill, imposing a carbon credit scheme on the state. The Democrats have the votes to ram it through over and above Republican objections, but for one thing: they don't have enough people to make a quorum. And so--unable to get any compromise on the thing--the Republicans, to a man, left.

We've seen this sort of thing before, done by Democrats. Of course, when they do it, it's a "principled stand against" whatever the [soy latte fishtank hatstand Cuisinart] Republicans are trying to do. In fact, there's even such an example in the article, and it even says:
(Of note, Oregon House Democrats once fled the capitol in 2001 for five days over a redistricting proposal - which [Governor Kate] Brown said at the time was "appropriate under the circumstances.)
As you can see, it's okay when they do it, but when Republicans do it, time to sic the State Police on them and force them to come back, at gunpoint if need be.
State police, meanwhile, will have the ability to track down senators and force them into a patrol car to return to the capitol, though the agency promises to use "polite communication" and patience throughout the process.
Okay, tell me how you "force" someone into a patrol car without pointing a gun at him? I've watched plenty of episodes of Cops and those guys don't use "polite communication and patience" when they're arresting someone who refuses to go. I mean, I don't expect them to treat sitting politicians like they do common criminals, but I also don't see the utility of having police standing outside of peoples' houses saying, "Please, sir, you're required to go with me," ad nauseum. What a waste of police time.

* * *

The one thing I don't see in this otherwise excellent takedown of reparations talk is why the Democrats are doing it which is--as I've said--to try to secure the black vote in 2020. Black support for Democrats is not monolithic like it was for Obama, because President Trump's policies have greatly benefitted the black demographic. The constant cries of "he's racist!" have not panned out, either, because there's absolutely no evidence to support it.

So they spool up "reparations" because that will certainly get the black people on board, right? "Hey, you know that free money we're always giving you? Look: we might give you more free money! Everyone likes free money, right?"

If I were a black person I would be insulted by the way the Democrat party treats blacks. Democrats act as if black people are idiots who can't do a thing for themselves, who need constant care and support and who absolutely cannot fend for themselves without the Great White Democrat Father's help. It's racist to expect a black person not to point a gun at a policeman. It's racist to expect black kids to learn to read. It's racist to think people should be judged on the content of their character.

The Democrat party is the party of slavery and Jim Crow and Affirmative Action, and believe me that latter element is just as racist as the one that precedes it. "We'll help you," says the Democrat party, "because we know you're incapable of helping yourself." And because the last thing the Democrats want is to lose that demographic.

* * *

I should have added that the Democrat party is the party of eugenics, too. The eugenic movement arose out of the progressive movement sometime after it was co-opted by communists, and the practice of human eugenics is a purely socialist initiative.
The whole point of Progressivism from its very beginning was to create Utopia by recreating humanity according to its own ideals: not merely to govern, nor even to rule, but to play God. Their misguided faith in their own innate superiority and fitness to assume their self-appointed roles as earthly Deities required absolute power and unquestioning obedience from their inferiors. Human "perfectability" through eugenics was the strategy, abortion the tactic. For them now to claim, as a matter of political expedience, that the one never had anything much to do with the other is risible. Even the most cursory review of PP founder Margaret Sanger's ugly ravings will put paid to that lie.
Margaret Sanger was astonishingly racist and promoted abortion in order to eliminate the "inferior" races--including blacks.

The funny thing is, Planned Parenthood has worked very hard towards that goal. I forget how many black babies have been aborted since 1974, but they far outnumber the abortions for other races.

Which connects to the Democrat need to import new Democrat voters. If it weren't for Roe v. Wade it's probable that most of those black babies would have been born--and the Democrats would have their supermajority of voters. Their own policies, though, have led them here.

Odd, isn't it, how evil is self-defeating? The very people who want to put on their human-face-stomping boots are having trouble getting to that point because of their own policies.

* * *

Well, I suppose I've procrastinated about as much as I reasonably can. Since I'm not cutting the grass today there is no real urgency to things, but I need to get to the store. There are a few things I need to pick up.

Oh well. Once I've done that I can tinker with the motorcycles!

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