As Joan Vennochi wrote in The Boston Globe:She obviously doesn't know her Bible very well.
"Like all figures in history--and like those in the Bible, for that matter--Kennedy came with flaws. Moses had a temper. Peter betrayed Jesus. Kennedy had Chappaquiddick, a moment of tremendous moral collapse."
I'd still bet a fiver that Mary Jo Kopechne was pregnant with Teddy Kennedy's baby. There's no way we'll ever know, of course.
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I agree that sometimes the Democrat party appears so desperate that they are making a Faustian bargain. Hold onto a little power now; but later, lose everything.
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If Robert Mueller is a "lifelong Republican" then I am a Chinese transsexual. Hint: I am not a Chinese transsexual. Robert Mueller might have registered as a Republican, and maybe even self-identifies as one; but I'd also bet money he has never once voted Republican in his entire long, dirty life.
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"Studies" show that higher minimum wage jobs have not hurt employment, so I don't know why this business is getting its nose all out of joint and filing for bankruptcy. After all, everyone knows that a policy championed by Democrats never has any negative outcomes that are reported by the mainstream media.
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It's supposed to be 75 tomorrow. Right now it's sticky out there. We'll have to play it by ear, I guess.