atomic_fungus (atomic_fungus) wrote,

#6884: It was nice of them to use specific hardware

Fixed a server problem that has been going on for weeks. Basically, tape backup drive was off-line. Today I found that the data cables for the thing had been unplugged for some dumb reason, and plugged them in. I was able to do that because there was literally only one place in the entire server rack that those ends of those cables could plug in. If it had been the other end that was unplugged, I wouldn't have been able to do it without guidance.

Mirabile visu tape drive is back on-line and the server guys are happy. Whee.

...just feeling sleepy all damn day with no good reason for it--except that I woke up last night around 3:30-ish and was up past 4 AM eating a PBJ and trying not to think too much. Argh etc.

Probably just as well, then, that it rained today. I had intended to cut the east 40 but I can't do that when it's wet.

I still find it suspicious that I started feeling this way the instant I got the job offer from my current employer. Like, "Okay, now I can relax!" only I didn't actually get to relax.

Oh well.

* * *

...but because I'm feeling tired, I don't really have much to say.

Oh--continued work on the inventory project today, making very little progress because the last couple of guys were slobs. And in the middle of that, I discovered that one machine was pending deletion because its power supply had failed, not because it was meant to be taken off-line. So what I need to do now is to fix the computer (one way or another) and get it back on-line.

But I was flailing around with recalcitrant software all day, and it doesn't feel like I got all that much done. *sigh*

Still, it's a process. The journey is the point. I'm learning, and fast, and that's fantastic.

* * *

Tomorrow is Wednesday, which is a very nice thing for it to be. Maybe tomorrow I can cut the east 40.

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