- 2nd
- 02:44 pm #5635: Winning, yet again
- 10:46 pm #5636: Gettin' all up in the grill
- 3rd
- 10:27 am #5637: Dang, that's an ugly noise
- 03:16 pm #5638: Go right ahead.
- 5th
- 01:20 pm #5641: Islam Delenda Est
- 01:51 pm #5642: Well, what can I say?
- 02:44 pm #5643: You know, I never did adjust the steering box in the Jeep.
- 08:34 pm #5644: Definitive answer at least
- 6th
- 06:27 pm #5645: That delicious flavor - 4 comments
- 8th
- 12:36 pm #5648: Make EPA buy land it declares off-limits
- 03:50 pm #5649: How? I mean really? How?
- 07:04 pm #5650: OH BABY - 2 comments
- 9th
- 01:12 pm #5651: The cold, unappealing reality
- 07:16 pm #5652: For crying out loud, be a man
- 10:11 pm #5653: FROM MEMORY - 2 comments
- 10th
- 11:49 am #5654: Oh, wow--NO.
- 05:42 pm #5655: Okay, that was...weird.
- 06:22 pm #5656: Parts!
- 12th
- 09:50 am #5660: Knock-on effects
- 01:23 pm #5661: You know, I had quite forgotten about Trofim Lysenko.
- 04:42 pm #5662: 96 friggin' degrees
- 07:50 pm #5663: It's only been TWENTY YEARS
- 14th
- 10:24 am #5668: Wednesday, the complete lack of motivation day - 2 comments
- 04:34 pm #5669: Democrats' climate of hate rears its ugly head
- 06:37 pm #5670: Cook County Democrats are idiots beyond compare.
- 15th
- 09:08 pm #5671: Making a good point
- 16th
- 02:30 pm #5672: This would be the best solution.
- 03:20 pm #5673: This is not a selling point.
- 20th
- 02:48 pm #5681: Old Man's Cutoffs - 2 comments
- 10:13 pm #5682: Alternator? Really??
- 21st
- 04:30 pm #5683: That was a nice car
- 22nd
- 12:16 am #5684: WTF??
- 04:34 pm #5685: Yes, you're impaired, so don't drive.
- 06:26 pm #5686: Stator ordered.
- 07:58 pm #5687: Maybe a little too proud of that one.
- 23rd
- 04:08 pm #5688: Nice! - 4 comments
- 06:19 pm #5689: Why must I sweat so profusely?
- 07:55 pm #5690: DO NOT STING ME YOU MOTHERFU--
- 08:14 pm #5691: That's approximately correct.
- 24th
- 06:39 pm #5692: The problem with Chicago
- 26th
- 12:55 pm #5694: That was...rough
- 27th
- 03:48 am #5695: Maybe an illness?
- 10:51 am #5696: The nerve of some people!
- 02:07 pm #5697: Do you know what the ODDS of that are?
- 06:31 pm #5698: Nope, no video happening
- 29th
- 06:24 pm #5702: This only just occurred to me
- 10:29 pm #5703: WAT
- 30th
- 04:47 pm #5704: The last Friday of June!
- 08:42 pm #5705: Locked myself out.