atomic_fungus (atomic_fungus) wrote,

#1297: Linky-dink without much commentary today because I'm lazy

Uh, what? Put gas with ethanol into your car and your fuel economy goes down but your emissions don't go up?

How the hell is that possible? If you're burning more fuel, you're making more emissions than you otherwise would. This is ludicrous.

* * *

Doofus who cracked Sarah Palin's e-mail account gets arrested for it. Err, "allegedly", sorry.

* * *

If Sarah Palin had said the kind of things Biden said, quoth Ann Coulter, "...there would have been 3-inch headlines in newspapers across America."

Holy crap, what a read.

* * *

Fun mechanical thing: 10 strange snow machines.

* * *

Yawara!--a mere six months after I placed my preorder--actually has a firm ship date. AnimEigo starts shipping the box sets on the 20th.

I now expect the end of the world.

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