Such as the graph presented here which shows Cycle 24--the current sunspot cycle--as the second most quiet ever.
Certainly there is activity--sunspot #1005 emerged a couple days ago and is merrily traversing the face of the sun as I write this--but one must remember that during previous deep solar minima, there were not no sunspots, just a vastly reduced number of them.
We're seeing the weakest solar wind since we've been been able to measure them. We're seeing a sun that's unusually devoid of sunspots. And the GISS global temperature anomaly dropped 0.775 degrees. Is there a connection?
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Hugo Chavez demonstrates how thoroughly communism fucks things up. There is nothing I can add to what's written in the article.
There aren't any surprises here. Communism has failed every time it's been tried, and the only thing that ever saves a communist economy (such as, oh, China's) is the introduction of capitalism.
Heh. Suck it, Hugo. You're a douchebag.