atomic_fungus (atomic_fungus) wrote,

#1449: That's not the door.

If Boss Tweek were Republican, this would follow him to his grave: mistaking a window for a door.

Don't expect this gaffe to be on anyone's mind for more than a week.

* * *

Another example of media bias. Not even remotely surprising.

* * *

Ann Coulter on liberal victimhood. Even when they've got the White House and both houses of Congress they are still victims.

* * *

Michelle Malkin: Stop licking boots. Start kicking ass. Indeed, GOP, just keep on with what you did regarding the "stimulus" package.

* * *

I had no idea the main gun in an A-10 Thunderbolt ("Warthog") was so damn big.

* * *

Sorry that there's a dearth of commentary today. I just don't know what else to say. A lot of this stuff speaks pretty well for itself, anyway.

Perhaps more sleep is warranted.

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