Illinois is one of the worst states to live in from a personal freedom perspective (#49). On economic freedom it is in the middle of the pack (#29). Illinois has the fourth harshest gun control laws in the country, after California, Maryland, and New York, and the state’s victimless crimes arrest rates are almost unfathomable: In 2006, more than 2 percent of the state’s population was arrested for a victimless crime (and that figure does not count under-18s). Nearly one-third of all arrests were for victimless crimes.Number forty-nine in "personal freedom". Jesus.
WTF is a "victimless crime", anyway? Possession of marajuana? I was once told (by a liberal) that prostitution was a "victimless crime". (I didn't believe him.)
The article sadly doesn't link to the actual study. That might be an interesting read.