atomic_fungus (atomic_fungus) wrote,

#182: I, My, Me! Strawberry Eggs avoid spoilers, let me just say that while I was wrong about the exact relationship between Gochiso's landlady and the principal of the school, I was not wrong that they had had a relationship before. And a lot of other things are suddenly a lot clearer....

The end was a bit disappointing. The entire story was very well-done, though, and I can tell it's going to have a fairly high "re-watch" factor.

The story was left on the open-ended side. Since the exposure of his secret identity is central to the climax of the story, there cannot be more story about Amaya Hibiki, cross-dressing teacher--at least not at that school--but there could be more stories about these characters, and there is clearly more story to be told.

I doubt we'll see more, though.

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