atomic_fungus (atomic_fungus) wrote,

#2407: Great! It sounds like ass!

That audio card I picked up yesterday sounds like total crap.

...okay, actually it doesn't. Most people would listen to it and then look at me funny: WTF is wrong with you? It sounds great!

Those people haven't got my ears. So "total crap" is probably an exaggeration.

But the sound suffers from ringing. It doesn't happen with every sound, but it's bloody obvious with certain ones and it drives me absolutely nuts.

What does this mean? Well, of course it means that this audio card is going back to Best Buy, and I'm going to be spending more money on the $100 Sound Blaster. Argh.

On the plus side, at least I ought to get "What U Hear" back as a recording source. *sigh*

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