atomic_fungus (atomic_fungus) wrote,

#2654: Well, that certainly didn't last very long.

Over the past couple of days, I'd started feeling a lot better about everything. While I'm not working yet, and while the job I've got is tentative and not really solid (yet), the employment situation is at least handled even if only temporarily. It's enough to represent a huge load off my mind, and I've been sleeping better and waking up feeling better. a call from a paralegal on the answering machine. There's a court case pending in Will County against me, probably garnishment proceedings for the student loans I haven't heard a word about since December. I've got to return the call tomorrow and find out WTF is going on, but I'd bet that's it.

Then people wonder why I don't get excited when good stuff happens to me. Well, this is why: whenever things get better, they almost immediately get worse than they were before.

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