Africa can't even grow enough food to feed itself. Take one look at frickin' Zimbabwe and tell me that growing fuel can somehow magically save Africa.
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Cops lock up a woman for spraying them with breast milk. Somewhere around here I have a paperback which is a compilation of real-life stories from police officers. Some are funny, some sad, some rueful.
One such story is about how a couple cops got sprayed with breast milk. To them, it was a joke--"I was attacked with a tit!"--though it didn't say what they did after the smoke cleared.
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"Are they completely incompetent, or are they merely Democrats in disguise? That is the question one is forced to ask of Republican politicians on a depressingly regular basis," begins this Vox Day piece.
God knows. But if they vote to raise the debt limit, that might be enough to force me out of the party.
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WEERD makes a point here about how gun laws (and laws in general) actually work: they're not a deterrent.
People who are against the death penalty for serious crimes make that argument all the time: "It's not a deterrent, so we shouldn't do it."
As we've seen, making guns more illegal always results in more crime, rather than less.
...the rest is left as an exercise.
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I think I'll read this article about "The Failure of Al Gore" when I don't have a motorcycle that needs fixing.
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"They built our moon base on the wrong planet." It's government; what do you expect?
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Anyway, it's after 3 PM, it's a nice day, I haven't had any food yet, and I've got six days to get that bike running. Later.