atomic_fungus (atomic_fungus) wrote,

#2879: That was fun

I ended up falling asleep and not getting up until 5; and oddly enough I had a dream that I was going to some weird amalgam of the church block party and an anime convention.

...woke up at 5 and mulled going; finally I got out of bed, shaved, and went.

I ate good food, chatted with good people, and enjoyed the heck out of watching everyone do their thing. As usual I--not exactly being the "life of the party" type--had a good time watching everyone else have a good time. People-watching is fun.

I stayed to help with the cleanup, then came home happy.

* * *

Fifty years ago, "...Communism Admitted Its Complete and Total Failure." The headline says it all.

* * *

Two hamburgers, a hot dog, a handful of cookies--I ate a lot of food at that block party, and I don't think anyone went away hungry unless he was on a diet.

I had a chance to chat with some of the folks from the Bible study group and saw my therapist there.

Church tomorrow at 9, which means going to bed earlier tonight than I did last night, but that's not such a big deal.

So if I'm going to get in any WoW, I'd better get going.

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