...not counting picking the wrong alternative when Misha showed up at Hisao's room and asked him to "comfort" her. Shit. Not counting the approximately 40,000 times I ended up on the roof with Kenji trying to get to the Shizune path.
HELL NO I didn't do all that at one sitting. That's f-ing impossible.
I don't know how long the remaining two paths are, but I'll tell you this: I'm done. No more!
...for a couple of days, that is. My eyes can't focus, my tongue tastes like a skid mark--I need some time off from this thing.
What, you thought I'd quit altogether? I've got 66% of the game unlocked already. Another big push like the last couple of days will probably do it.
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Harp seals club harp seal activist to death in his sleeping bag. I guess the adult seals didn't realize which way he voted.
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George Lucas is a whiny bitch. He makes all kinds of stupid changes to the movies that made him big, then doesn't have the balls to withstand the criticism his idiotic changes elicit from the fans of those movies.
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As for me, I'm thinking about making dinner, having a shower, and going to bed. Man, that took a lot out of me.