atomic_fungus (atomic_fungus) wrote,

#3439: Yeah, I'm just ROLLING IN DOUGH thanks to my WHITE SKIN

WORM links to a story about a stupid campaign on a college campus aimed at "undermining white privilege".

My white skin has totally made my life an unending series of riches and opportunities. For example, I could never have gotten that job stocking shelves at Target if I hadn't been white! And apparently my white skin was a sign that I was above things like promotions, which is probably why a functional illiterate black guy was the one selected for a promotion to a position that required a lot of, you know, reading, and comprehension of things like merchandise plans and schedules. "That white guy, he'll do well no matter what we give him to do, but this black dude, he can't possibly fail if we give him a promotion!" It was a shock when the guy was asked to step down from his promoted position. I couldn't imagine why.

Oh, and that other job, working in the nursing home? If I'd been black, they never would have hired me. Imagine my amazement when I learned the black CNA I worked with on occasion didn't have his CNA certification. This was the same place that wouldn't even talk to me until I had my card in hand, yet this guy was working right alongside me without one--and that's because my white skin indicated that I was privileged enough to have taken the certification course. Not only that, but to have gotten a passing grade on the exam, because of course the certification exam is easier when you're a white man.

Yes, that white privilege has served me very, very well indeed!

This is such bullshit. Jesus Christ:
The Un-Fair campaign also held a series of lectures and events on campus last semester. One included a presentation by Tim Wise, author of Dear White America. In his book, Wise confesses a "longstanding fantasy" where he turns to a man with a "God Bless the USA" button and asks him, "why can't you just get over it?"
Well, Mr. Wise, I'll "get over it" when you get over your persistent bullshit about racism in the US.
These lectures were publicly endorsed by university Chancellor Lendley Black. Black sent a message to the campus community in April describing his effort to "create an inclusive campus climate for all" through providing "support and... leadership to the Un-Fair Campaign."
All right, Chancellor Black. Put your money where your mouth is: give me a job. Make me a professor on your campus.

What's that? "You don't have the qualifications"? What has that got to do with it? You're telling me that you're all about fairness and equality and then you haul out this "you need to work for it!" bullshit?

I don't think that's it at all! You're just saying that because my skin isn't the right color! If I was the right color you'd be showering me with job offers, but because of your racism you refuse to employ me! I see how it is!


As WORM notes in his post, white people are generally successful because the euro-judeo-Christian tradition has a certain set of core values which generally lead to successful outcomes. It's never 100%, but if you live your life by these principles in America, you somehow manage to avoid things like:
violent death
drug addiction
grinding poverty
...and a host of other things which these idiots attribute to "white privilege" rather than, you know, people acting like fucking idiots.

I know that it's politically incorrect to blame the victim, but guess what? If you have three kids out of wedlock before your twentieth birthday, chances are you're not going to end up being a doctor. You're going to be going to the welfare office every week and living in public housing, and you'll probably have more than three kids.

Yeah. If you refuse to hit the books because that's "acting white", and you join a gang and get shot to death in a drive-by? How is that the white man's fault? It's your culture that told you studying was a bad thing. The white man isn't following you around and telling you that you'd better not do well in school or else he'll beat you up--that's your neighbors who are saying that, and they're the same color you are.

That's why the PC crowd lumps asians in with whites. Asian culture is strongly pro-education, and education is the key to success in any society. (Real education, I mean, not "womyn's studies" and all that bullshit. Useful things like math and science and medicine and engineering.) Asians tend to learn the useful things, the difficult things, and end up being very successful.

In fact--here's a demotivational poster which very neatly sums up the whole situation:

That's right: computers are racist. "They need to make them easy like TV, so people in the community can have good jobs."

It's not because Rakim in Oakland refused to study math and science when he was in school, oh no! It's not because he doesn't feel like putting in the effort to learn how to use computers, either. It's because the whites and Chinese make computers difficult to use on purpose so that blacks can't figure them out!

And then the PC crowd wonders why people have stopped listening to them?

* * *

Speaking of liberal douchebaggery, the guy who gave us "The West Wing" has a new show and it's even being panned by liberals.

Ace blockquotes this bit:
[A] twist for Sorkin (but not for viewers), is that Will is a Republican who has taken it upon himself to challenge the party’s rightward fringe, providing a novel new way to present a Democratic fantasia. "I’m a registered Republican," Will says in a prime example of elegant Sorkinese. "I only seem liberal because I believe hurricanes are caused by high barometric pressure and not by gay marriage."
So what if he's a registered Republican? There are lots of registered Republicans who are so liberal it makes your brain shrivel. John McCain, Olympia Snowe, Mitt Romney....

Furthermore, his belief about hurricanes is flat-out wrong. Hurricanes are caused by low barometric pressure. The storm forms around a low-pressure area, which is what tropical depression even means in the first f-ing place.

Besides, who the fuck is saying that hurricanes are caused by gay marriage anyway?

And who does this guy look at as the exemplar of Republican values? "Guys like David Frum, Mark McKinnon, Andrew Sullivan."



* * *

Another Ace post on Brit Hume saying Obama's declaration of executive privilege in the F&F case has the "stench of cover-up".


Not the Obama administration! He promised his would be "the most transparent administration in history"! Surely you're not saying that he lied about that!

Why, you must be a RACIST!

See what I did there?

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